Team Allegiance celebrates 7 years of excellence with a  special anniversary offer
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Team Allegiance celebrates 7 years of excellence with a special anniversary offer

This July marks a significant milestone for Team Allegiance as we celebrate our 7th anniversary. Over the past seven years, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering exceptional research and training services, and we couldn’t have done it without the support and trust of our valued clients and partners. To commemorate this special occasion and express…

Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath
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Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath

As an employee engagement consultant, I had the privilege of conducting an in-depth Employee Engagement study for a Cape Town based client to help them uncover hidden employee insights and enhance organizational dynamics. Hailing from Johannesburg, I had to fly into Cape Town to spend some time with our client. If you have ever travelled…

What is a Good Net Promoter Score? Understanding the Benchmark for Customer Loyalty

What is a Good Net Promoter Score? Understanding the Benchmark for Customer Loyalty

Net Promoter Score (NPS) has become a widely used metric for assessing customer loyalty and satisfaction. While NPS provides valuable insights into customer sentiment, many businesses often wonder: What is a good NPS score? In this article, we will explore the benchmark for NPS and shed light on what constitutes a favourable NPS score. Understanding…

Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences
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Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences

A positive work environment is vital for employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and overall business success. With companies aiming to attract and retain the best employees, building a workplace that promotes positivity and happiness has become a major focus. Here are a few ways in which you can create positive work experiences for employees: Investing in…

Unlocking the Power of Employee Engagement Surveys

Unlocking the Power of Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement is a critical factor in the success of any organization. Engaged employees are more motivated, productive, and loyal, leading to improved business outcomes. One effective tool used to gauge and enhance employee engagement is well-designed Employee Engagement surveys. Here are some benefits of conducting employee engagement surveys and having access to the valuable insights they provide to organizations.