Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath
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Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath

As an employee engagement consultant, I had the privilege of conducting an in-depth Employee Engagement study for a Cape Town based client to help them uncover hidden employee insights and enhance organizational dynamics. Hailing from Johannesburg, I had to fly into Cape Town to spend some time with our client. If you have ever travelled…

Winning Hearts and Minds Getting Buy-In for Organizational Change
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Winning Hearts and Minds Getting Buy-In for Organizational Change

Implementing change within an organization is a complex and challenging process. One of the most critical factors for successful change is obtaining buy-in from employees at all levels. Without their support and commitment, even the most well-intentioned initiatives can face resistance and falter. Let’s look at strategies for gaining buy-in and creating a culture that…

Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences
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Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences

A positive work environment is vital for employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and overall business success. With companies aiming to attract and retain the best employees, building a workplace that promotes positivity and happiness has become a major focus. Here are a few ways in which you can create positive work experiences for employees: Investing in…

Effective Business Consulting

Effective Business Consulting

Each year, time, effort, and resources are wasted on ineffective strategies. Sadly, sometimes even through the ineffective services of consultants. No wonder consulting carries such a negative stigma. Not all is lost though, there are effective consultants out there. What does it take to be an effective consultant? Here are some guidelines on how to be an effective Consultant.