Team Allegiance celebrates 7 years of excellence with a  special anniversary offer
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Team Allegiance celebrates 7 years of excellence with a special anniversary offer

This July marks a significant milestone for Team Allegiance as we celebrate our 7th anniversary. Over the past seven years, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering exceptional research and training services, and we couldn’t have done it without the support and trust of our valued clients and partners. To commemorate this special occasion and express…

Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath
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Employee Engagement surveys – revealing what lays beneath

As an employee engagement consultant, I had the privilege of conducting an in-depth Employee Engagement study for a Cape Town based client to help them uncover hidden employee insights and enhance organizational dynamics. Hailing from Johannesburg, I had to fly into Cape Town to spend some time with our client. If you have ever travelled…

The Value of Year-End Functions – More Than Just a Celebration

The Value of Year-End Functions – More Than Just a Celebration

As the year draws to a close, companies around the world prepare for year-end functions, often viewed by some as unnecessary extravagances that drain time, money, and effort. However, these events go far beyond mere celebrations and can offer a plethora of benefits for both teams and individuals. In this article, we’ll explore why year-end…

Wrap up the work year on a high note and get ready to kick off 2024 feeling energized and motivated

Wrap up the work year on a high note and get ready to kick off 2024 feeling energized and motivated

As the year winds down, it’s natural to reflect on the highs and lows, achievements, and challenges that have marked our professional journey. Ending the work year on a positive note not only allows us to celebrate our accomplishments but also sets the stage for a fresh and motivated start in the upcoming year. Here…

Ghosting in Business: Why It Happens, Its Impact, and How to Handle It Professionally
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Ghosting in Business: Why It Happens, Its Impact, and How to Handle It Professionally

Ghosting in business is a harmful practice that can damage professional relationships, hinder personal growth, and tarnish your reputation. Instead of avoiding difficult conversations and neglecting commitments, prioritize clear and honest communication. By doing so, you can maintain professionalism and respect in your business interactions, ultimately fostering trust and credibility in your professional network.

Winning Hearts and Minds Getting Buy-In for Organizational Change
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Winning Hearts and Minds Getting Buy-In for Organizational Change

Implementing change within an organization is a complex and challenging process. One of the most critical factors for successful change is obtaining buy-in from employees at all levels. Without their support and commitment, even the most well-intentioned initiatives can face resistance and falter. Let’s look at strategies for gaining buy-in and creating a culture that…

Global Company Culture Month – Fostering Unity Across Borders

Global Company Culture Month – Fostering Unity Across Borders

In today’s interconnected world, businesses span continents, languages, and cultures. This global landscape has given rise to a profound shift in the way organizations function and engage with their workforce. In recognition of this transformation, Global Company Culture Month has emerged as a celebration of diversity, unity, and the immense potential of corporate culture on…

Leading by example: Become a leader that empower others.

Leading by example: Become a leader that empower others.

True leadership extends beyond managing tasks and leading people. It involves empowering others and helping them unlock their leadership potential. As a leader, one of the most rewarding roles you can undertake is to teach and inspire others to develop their own leadership skills. By cultivating a culture of mentorship and growth, you not only…

Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences
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Building a Positive Work Environment by Creating Exemplary Employee Experiences

A positive work environment is vital for employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and overall business success. With companies aiming to attract and retain the best employees, building a workplace that promotes positivity and happiness has become a major focus. Here are a few ways in which you can create positive work experiences for employees: Investing in…

Pursue excellence, surpass expectations, deliver exceptional results
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Pursue excellence, surpass expectations, deliver exceptional results

In the pursuit of excellence, simply meeting the minimum requirements or merely fulfilling basic responsibilities is not enough. Pursuing excellence requires going beyond the call of duty, pushing boundaries, and striving for greatness. Organizations and individuals who aspire to achieve excellence understand that true success lies in surpassing expectations and consistently delivering exceptional results. Here…

Celebrating Birthdays at Work

Celebrating Birthdays at Work

Birthdays are special occasions that bring a sense of joy, celebration, and togetherness. When it comes to the workplace, celebrating birthdays can be a fantastic opportunity to create a positive and inclusive work environment. Recognizing and honouring employees on their special day not only strengthens team bonds but also boosts morale and employee engagement.